Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More on Geocaching - Great Barbeque

(Richmond, VA)  Hi 87 Lo 68 - Yesterday after visiting Hollywood Cemetery and having lunch we ended the afternoon with some Geocaching.  Geocaching is like high tech treasure hunting. Small containers are hidden all over the world, and their location coordinates are listed on the geocaching website (link above). You download the coordinates to a GPS unit (or in our case, our Droid smartphones) and use the navigation feature to lead you to the location. The containers are as large as an ammo box or tupperware container (traditional cache) or as small as peanut-size (microcache).  The traditional caches contain small toys or trinkets, along with a paper log that you sign and date when you find it. The microcaches usually only contain a rolled up log. You're welcome to take one of the items in a cache as long as you leave one to replace it. After finding the cache and signing the log, you replace everything where you found it, and when you get home  you log your find on the Geocaching website. You have to be stealthy when looking for a cache, to avoid "muggles." Muggles are non-geocachers who are around who might get suspicious or try to vandalize the cache after you've gone.

We found one traditional cache, and one microcache. Here's a picture of the microcache. It's a cylindrical container with a small magnet attached to it, to facilitate placement on a metal surface.

We don't go geocaching very often, and when we do we normally look for the easy ones. They're rated 1 (very easy) to 5 (very hard) for difficulty and terrain. We like looking for 1's and 2's. I have 106 finds, which classifies me as a novice. Jim and I are both registered, so we usually search together and share our finds.
I urge you go to the website linked above for more information if you're interested. It's a fun hobby and perfect for RV'ers.

Today we had our friends Mike and Terri over for a cookout. Jim grilled some steaks and I prepared some baked beans. Terri and Mike brought potato and macaroni salads. And after dinner we had some wonderful apple pie that Terri baked.  She's really mastered her convection microwave oven; the pie was delicious! We sat and talked and watched some TV together. They've never watched the CBS Late Show with Craig Ferguson, and we record it every night, so we watched an episode we had on the DVR. We all had a good laugh. After they left we finished the evening with more TV. It was a great day, with good food and good friends.

1 comment:

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

What? Apple pie and not hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts? You're lowering yourselves to common deserts!

I've not been able to swing by this week and we're heading to OH Friday to visit Marti's family for the weekend, sans the MH. We'll catch up with you soon down the road. We'll be following your travels. :c)

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...