Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ready to GO!!!

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 77 Lo 55 -- A line of thunderstorms came through the area at mid-morning.  It wasn't the severe storms like last week, but it was a fast moving line running from North Carolina all the way down to us. While the storms went through we watched our TV shows, read blogs and watched the news, along with the weather reports. I had more fun watching the eagles and hummingbirds than the emails and blogs. By 2:00 it was all gone and we only had clouds.  Jim did more work outside and I finished up organizing the refrigerator.

I walked around the park later in the afternoon to say goodbye to people we knew. There's a few leaving tomorrow and the rest will be leaving this weekend or later in the month. There's only 15 people left that will be going north. A couple of them are waiting to be sure there's no more snow. The way the weather's been lately it could be awhile.

We'll get to bed earlier tonight so we're well rested to hit the road tomorrow. We'll miss Florida, but we're ready for some new sights.


Gypsy said...

It's time to hit the road all right. Too much time in any one place gets to be confining. Save travels.

Nancy and Bill said...

Safe Travels and Happy Trails....

Speedy said...

We will be thinking about you tomorrow. We too will be traveling. We have all next week off and hope to get caught up on all our chores.

Jeff said...

Have a safe trip north-we'll be following you on yours travels.

Alberta said...

Happy traveling,Kids.Be safe and enjoy.I'm getting excited because it won't be long before I see ya'll.love you.mom

Margie and Roger said...

Wave as you go by! Have a wonderful trip! Looking forward to following along via your blog.

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Feel free to bring all that nice warm weather with you as you head North. :c)

California Fires Continuing - Changes

 Shalimar, FL (Hi 70  Lo 47)  Humid and warm with freezing weather coming big changes The fires in California are still going on. I hope the...