Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fun in the Sun: First Day in Mayport

(Mayport Naval Station, Jacksonville, FL) Hi 82 Lo 60 – I’ll be getting up a lot earlier staying here. There’s things to see.  Here's a panorama of the view we see out our back window when we get up and get our first cup of coffee! (Click to enlarge)
stitch (Small)

We still did our morning routine of news, emails, and blogs, while at the same time looking out the window. Ships of all shapes and sizes come floating by at random intervals, which is exciting to see. Such as this Carnival cruise ship.
Picture 054 (Small)

If you want to see a lot of the pictures from our previous stays, go to archive blogs with dates of March 24 thru April 4 and October 25 thru 31, 2010.

The park put on a Guest Appreciation dinner today. Along with a great food buffet, they use this event to recognize all the hired and volunteer workers in the two parks here at Mayport. We're at Pelican's Roost, and they also have Osprey Cove across base for more longer term parking (up to 6 months). It was a great turnout and the food was very good.  This is the buffet line, which they ran out one door and around the clubhouse and in another door.
Picture 032 (Small)
Picture 033 (Small)
 Picture 034 (Small)
Picture 035 (Small) 
Here’s two views of the clubhouse.
2011-4-7 pelican roost mayport fl (24) (Small)
2011-4-7 pelican roost mayport fl (25) (Small)
This is our site, looking from the Clubhouse.
Picture 030 (Small)

We met our neighbors, Mark and Vicky from Ohio. They're snowbirds and are on their way back home for the summer. After visiting with them for a while, and sharing tours of our rigs, we walked down to the beach. It was pretty windy with good size waves. It was about two hours before low tide, which is a good time for looking for shells and critters left on the beach.
2011-4-7 pelican roost mayport fl (43) (Small)

Here's a fisherman on the jetty, with a boat going by.
Picture 045 (Small)

There were several jellyfish on the beach near the rocks.
Picture 041 (Small)

A sunset to finish the day... another day in paradise!
Picture 002 (Small)


Margie and Roger said...

I get the feeling you were really ready to hit the road and have a change of scenery! Looks like you are at a very nice place. Have fun!

Along the Way with JnK said...

Sounds like a wonderful place!

Leno said...

My kind of place! I just love the ocean. Will have to stay there one day for sure... Nice pictures.

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Man, we have to get to Mayport! It looks great. But you have to stop telling everybody about it or there won't be any room for us...

Dan and Gail said...

Beautiful pictures. Glad you're having such a good time. Makes me wish Dan had stayed in and retired. But, I probably wouldn't have met him. :) Safe travels.

Jeff said...

Mayport looks and sounds like a great stop on your way north. Enjoy your stay!

Unknown said...

My family and I will be staying at Osprey Cove in a couple of weeks. Thank you so much for posting your pictures and blog!

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