Thursday, March 17, 2011

Movie Day - The Park Question

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 82 Lo 60 --  First of all, a big Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone, especially my dear friend Linda. She and I share some great memories of partying during St. Patty's Days years ago. And that's as detailed as I'm going to get.  :)  I got up really late today. We had breakfast, read blogs and caught up on emails, then headed out the door to Sebring to see the movie "Unknown." It's a very entertaining movie with a lot of plot twists to keep you guessing. We both really liked it.

After the movie we walked around the mall for a while. The Lakeshore Mall has the usual anchor stores: Penny's, Sears, and Belk's, but it also strangely enough has a K-Mart. We bought a few little things and by then it was dinner time. We went to KFC right across the street from the mall. I know, big spenders, right? But we both love KFC's chicken. Jim jokes that if he was single he'd just buy a 10-piece bucket on Monday and eat from it all week. No sides, just chicken.

When we got home I cleaned the bugs off my windshield and we relaxed until it was time to go to the last jam session of the season.  We stayed for half of it then came home.  We've got a full day tomorrow and need to get to bed early.

The big question in the park that everyone is asking is "when are you leaving?"  It's really winding down and everyone at the music session tonight was asking that question.  It will be pretty empty by the time we leave, with only about 25 people left for the summer.

Florida trivia:  The three largest cities in Florida are Jacksonville, Miami, and Tampa.

19 days to go till we head North.


LakeConroePenny,TX said...

Great that you are having such a great time there.
What is that tree in the picture, it's very interesting?
Happy Trails, Penny, TX

Bob and Vicky said...

here in TX we call them Bottle Brush trees..

big departures everday here too - just waiting for the spring breakers to get off the road his weekend then we will heading to MN

Jeannie and Eldy said...

What kind of tree is that? It's beautiful!

Speedy said...

Looks like we arrive Monday afternoon and then trade RVs Tuesday...We will stay Tuesday and Maybe Wednesday to try out all the goodies to be sure all is well. We head back on Thursday morning early and try to get back to the lake by Saturday??? We will see...stay tuned for the latest.

New Temperatures - Bowling Party - California Fires

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 50   Lo 37) The week started out weather wise with tornadoes, then cold and hard frost back to warm and windy now more st...