Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Movie Day - Car Repair

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 85 Lo 52 --  Thank you to everyone who left a comment on yesterday's one year recap.  We're going to track our fuel mileage and price per gallon this year so we have a more complete record of our travels.

Today was movie day.  There's several we want to see, so maybe we'll attend one a week till we get caught up. Today we saw "I am Number 4."  It was good but not great.  Lots of action and good special effects.

My car has been acting up lately.  Sometimes it doesn't start after it's been sitting overnight.  Jim would jiggle the battery cable and it would start.  But the cable couldn't be tightened any more than it already was.  Taking off the wire and cleaning the terminal didn't help.  On the way home from the movies we stopped at  Big T Tire in Avon Park, on the slight chance they could help us out on short notice.  They were very nice and took the time to check it out for us.  In a very short time they diagnosed the problem.  The metal contact lining on the terminal end of the battery cable was worn due to age.  They promptly fixed it and we were on our way for less than $20.  If anyone is in this area, we can heartily recommend them.  They provide full service for trucks and RV's too.

Nothing much else happened today.  Just another lazy day.

28 days till we leave to go North.


Speedy said...

Florida sure looks nice. Sherri and I may visit there and check it out for ourselves. Hope you two stay safe and keep on having fun.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Y'all have been fantastic to keep in touch with on your blog. Great details you provide are the insight we need to plan our, get-away... keep up the great updates!!!
Kim and Kaye Nocona TX.

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Nothing too much better than a cheap, fast car repair! Sometimes luck goes your way.

Now if it would just carry through to the lottery... ;c)

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