Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lake Okeechobee

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 85 Lo 63 – We both slept all night we were so exhausted.  Karel made us a great breakfast of eggs and pancakes.  She made scrambled eggs with cream cheese in them, talk about good! I’ll have to start making them that way.

Jim spent some more time teaching Karel’s Jim some features on his Samsung Galaxy S Android phone, and I sat with Karel to teach her some ideas for filing her photos on her PC.  After hugs and goodbyes we left about noon for our trip back to Wauchula.

We took a different route home than the one we took coming down. We went south a little ways and picked up I-75 (Alligator Alley), then went north on U.S. 27 through the Everglades to Lake Okeechobee.  On the way we passed the BankAtlantic Center, home of the Florida Panthers NHL hockey team. It's in Sunrise, west of Ft. Lauderdale and right at the edge of the Everglades.
3-2011 Okachobee (1) (Small)
A canal runs along the side of U.S. 27 and we saw a huge alligator sunning himself on the far bank, but we passed it before I could reach for my camera.
3-2011 Okachobee (6) (Small)

We stopped at Pahokoee for lunch.  It's a small town right on Lake Okeechobee, and one of the few places where you can actually see the lake.  Everywhere else all you see is the big dike surrounding it. These pretty palm trees line the road into town.
3-2011 Okachobee (14) (Small)

We ate at Big Bertha's, a bar & grill right on the lake. Here are views of the lake from the deck.

  3-2011 Okachobee (17) (Small)
3-2011 Okachobee (18) (Small)
3-2011 Okachobee (19) (Small)

This is the patio area.
3-2011 Okachobee (21) (Small)
Next door to Big Bertha's is a KOA RV park, Lake Okeechobee Outpost. It's unique in that all the sites back right up to the lake.
3-2011 Okachobee (23) (Small)
Nice spacing between sites.
3-2011 Okachobee (24) (Small)
Bathhouse, and there’s cabins and tent camping on down the road.
3-2011 Okachobee (26) (Small)

All along the way around the Lake Okeechobee area we passed sugar cane fields.
3-2011 Okachobee (28) (Small)

Many people don't know that Florida is a major sugar producer.  We passed several sugar refining plants.

We made it home in time for a bite to eat and then went over to the clubhouse for a concert by the gospel group Trust Quartet.  They were amazing!  Good old time 4-part harmony.  Very enjoyable.

As of today we’ve been on the road as full timers for one year.  I’ll post some thoughts about our first year on tomorrow night's blog.

In 30 days we head north.


Jeff said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary as fulltimers! I'll be anxious to read your thoughts on the year. We are 9 months into our first year.

Along the Way with JnK said...

Love to hear about your thoughts about your first year...some folks still think we are crazy even though we have been living happily ever after for the past 6 years.

Gypsy said...

Florida is beautiful but I will pass on it. Those alligators are everywhere and no know boundaries! Take care.

Margie and Roger said...

Woohoo! One year! Congrats!

I didn't realize Pahokee KOA sat right on the lake - that's really neat.

See ya' soon.

Carol Kerr said...

Happy 1st Anniversary! Will be great to read your thoughts about that first year. Does Jim add his 2 cents for you to document?

Debbie and Rod said...

OMG, you drove right by where we used to live! We lived a few blocks from the BankAtlantic Center. By the way, we never saw one single alligator in our neighborhood....


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