Sunday, February 13, 2011

Visiting Friends from North Carolina - More on Droidx

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 74 Lo 44 --  It was another chilly night, but it warmed up nicely today. We're supposed to have one more cool night, then higher temps the rest of the week.

Jim and I did our normal Sunday morning routine, but watched the clock closely. We were looking forward to seeing some friends from North Carolina that were in Orlando for a ham radio rally (called a hamfest). We all agreed to meet in Lakeland for an early dinner.  That's about halfway between Orlando and Wauchula.   A couple weeks ago we went to Lakeland for a luncheon at Smokey Bones Restaurant with other RV'ers, and loved it so much we wanted to go again, so that's where we met.

Gary, Selene and Hank got to the restaurant almost the same time we did. We followed each other on Google Latitude on our Droid phones.  Once we got there we learned even more from Gary on how you can send text messages by voice and how to set up yahoo messenger.  I guess you can tell I like being connected.

Tomorrow we wait again for our "special event." I promise if we don't go on Tuesday as planned I'll spill the beans.  We had a wonderful day with friends and good food. Thank you Gary, Hank and Selene for meeting with us, it was good seeing you again.

I'll leave you with a video on You Tube that will make you laugh, especially if you're over the age of 50.  Those that are younger, this is what you have to look forward too.


Gypsy said...

I have to chuckle at what a techie you are! I'm the exact opposite.

KarenInTheWoods said...

I think I need another hint.

Jill & Paul said...

Do you have to sign up for texting to use these features? More info please!

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

What did we do before the wonders of electronics? Soup cans and string didn't work well.

You're having too much fun in FL, Smokey that place! :c)

Tumbleweed Dee said...

Jill, you pay for a texting plan for a smartphone just the same as for any other phone. Google Voice is included standard on most Android phones (including the Droid X, which is what we have).

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