Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dentist, Haircut, Things to Get Done

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 65 Lo 48 --  It got chilly overnight.  Once it rained earlier in the day and brought in the cold front it got chilly. The RV holds the heat until early morning then it's time to pull up the covers or turn on the heat. We were too tired (or lazy) to get up and turn on the heater, so we pulled up the covers and snuggled up. It's great!

I got up a little later then the last couple of days.  I wanted to read blogs and a make some special arrangements this morning.  Our friends George and Linda, who just got back from a Caribbean cruise, made reservations for a cruise to Alaska in 2012, and they asked us to go with them.  Jim and I discussed it when we got home and decided to make reservations to be in an adjoining stateroom next to them.  We don't know yet how we'll get to Seattle, whether we travel out there with the rig or fly in, but those plans can be made later.  So we're going to Canada this summer and Alaska next spring.  We're both so excited!

I went to a dentist appointment today to get a cracked filling repaired.  The dentist was fast and I didn't feel anything, so on the way home I stopped to get my hair cut.  That was fun, with my mouth asleep the words just didn't come out right, but the hairdresser understood what I wanted and did a good job.   I didn't do the normal one inch shave, that's for later in the year.

I came home and read blogs and emails, got dinner, and watched some TV.  I haven't been in chat for two nights and I'm missing it, so will be there later.  There's more things we're up to this week, so hang around.


Gypsy said...

You have some fun trips planned. You're going to the Maritime Provinces this summer, aren't you? I've only been in Quebec and Ontario, but hope to at least get to New Brunswick & Nova Scotia before I'm finished.

Kathy said...

Wow you have a lot of fun to look forward to! K

Gail Houle said...

We did the Alaska cruise out of Seattle a few years ago. You will LOVE it! That experience made us want to do the whole Alaska thing in the RV in a couple years. Not sure exactly when, but it's high on the list.

KarenInTheWoods said...

WHeeeheeee with those trips scheduled, your blog is gonna be an exciting and wonderful thing to read!

Hey, we BOTH did haircuts on the same day... but you didn't send me pics of YOURS!

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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