Sunday, January 16, 2011

Back to Wauchula - Felt like a Vacation

(Wauchula, FL) -- Hi 80 Lo 52 - We didn't get up real early, but after reading emails and getting a bite to eat it was time to  hitch up.   Checkout time was 11:00, and we were ready to pull out just as the park attendant came by and checked us off the list.  There were several of us leaving at the same time.  Jim did a good job dodging three trees while pulling out of our site, and we were on our way back to Wauchula.

It feels so much like a vacation when we hitch up and leave for another park and then come back again.  We don't know if this will be our last short excursion away from Wauchula with the rig.  We'll do some day trips, and there's still some things to do in the area.  But our park is getting really full and it's harder getting back into our site, so we may just sit until we leave to head north in April.  We made the trip back in an hour and twenty minutes with very little traffic.  Some of the towns looked deserted.  We'll have to move more on Sundays.

It's really warm today and no wind. People were out and about all over the park.  I went for my walk and stopped to talk to several people.  I got caught up on some of the things going on the rest of the month.

I need to sort through the pictures we took and back them up, and review the park brochures we got from the RV show to see which ones we might like to visit in the future.  For those that know me, I'm known for lists for everything.  I try to stay organized.

Jim got our satellite dish set up and watched football while I was out with neighbors. It's a great day in our little part of paradise.  I just can't be any happier and relaxed as I am now.  What a great lifestyle.  If I only knew it was going to be this great, I would have pushed a little harder to do this years ago when Jim retired from the military.

1 comment:

owensontheroad said...

I really enjoy reading your blog, and seeing how much living on the road suits you. We are getting so excited the closer to that we get.

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