Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Think I can Get Use to This

I like my new hours. I still feel like I'm on vacation and the push to get things done before "going back to work" still exists. I like going to bed between 1:30-2:00am and getting up about 9:30 or 10. Nice, I feel rested and it makes the day go a bit faster.

I got the blogs all read before going to bed last night so read a couple emails and started the stack of stuff for the RV on Thursday. The apartment is little enough that when you put something out it looks cluttered immediately. I have a feeling that's the way it will be in the RV, so I'll have to be sure everything has a place.

I went to get mom because she had a few things she wanted to do, but she was in exercise class so I waited for her and talked to the other residents. The older you get the funnier you get, it was an interesting time.

I got back home watched several TiVoed shows and wrapped the few Christmas gifts I have bought several months ago. I also updated our Video frame for the RV. We're going to show the RV on Sunday the 13th, so I want to get a few things setup while we're at the dealer. We'll be bringing it to the fairgrounds on Saturday and the showing is the next day.

It's getting colder and we're to have some rain tonight. I'm going out to dinner with hubby and people from his office like we did a few weeks ago. His replacement is back in town for a couple days so a couple people from Jim's work is taking her out.

ONE more day to get everything together and ready. Thursday get the Fifth Wheel.


Gypsy said...

After all the waiting, it seems like your time is just flying by now.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Ahh yes, Dee, you hit the nail on the had about things appearing messy in a small space like an RV. I try to keep everything put away unless I am directly using it. Sure makes it easier to pull stakes and hit the road faster too!

So much snow in the air and wind and bad weather here, so my air card keeps bumping me off. I am not going into chat tonight or else I will get bumped out every 5 minutes.. aCK!

Speedy said...

Hey Jim and Dee...tomorrow is the day!!! Can you believe it? The time has just zoomed by and now you are almost there. Our house is messy but as long as it is just us we have learned to live with it. You have to get use to things setting around...You and Jim will find yourselves setting around more too...HE HE

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