Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Trickle Down - More News

I didn't have to get up till 10:00, but I also needed to get a bunch of stuff done. Jim sold the Toshiba to a guy at his work, so I needed to get all the info off and put it to the new PC. That's quite a job.

I was just ready to go to work at 11:30 and my neighbor came over. She was telling me she's putting her condo up for sale because she's not getting any work. This is where the Trickle Down title of this blog comes in. She's a hairdresser and works with her son which owns the salon. She hasn't had anyone in for a couple weeks and they're closing the salon. She doesn't know anything else so she's selling the condo and moving in with her son to share expenses. I hope she sells fast, but she's right next door in a smaller unit. I feel so bad for her.

When I got to work both bosses left. Mrs boss is trying to get everything done before leaving tomorrow for vacation till Monday. Our phones quit working and AT&T are saying yes they do, but when you call in, it rings or gives busy but it's not ringing in the office. I wonder how many calls we missed today, that's not good. We found out they've laid off so many people that there's no one to help with the customer calls that are coming in to fix the lines.

The server we have is too small for all of us being on it, (thanks to adding me to it) so when we try to use it an error comes up saying overload. The technician said there's not enough people working where the new servers are shipped and nothing is getting shipped on time. I just don't understand if there's that much work to do, why not have the people to get the work done, but I get this funny feeling it's all about being greedy.

I did get a call from a friend that lives in Indianapolis and will be in the area in a couple weeks. I hope they stay with us, it would be great! We stayed with them when we traveled through Indy to St. Louis from here. I can't wait to see them again.

There's STILL snow in the shaded areas, which means it's still COLD. I'm looking forward to the warm up this weekend.

Days left to leave for the wedding 82

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