Monday, February 23, 2009

Work Setup, I'm Impressed

I was awake early. I was so afraid my car wouldn't start so I wanted to be sure I was awake and ready to walk to mom's if it didn't. It started, so that made my day.

There was a lot done when I got to work but a lot more unpacking had to get done. We have a week to get all the boxes back to the movers. I got my room situated first. I have no desk, it's just a platform connected to the cubicle wall. I miss my drawer. I also don't have a phone, the phone is in the next cubicle over which is the empty desk for the receptionist. I'm not sure what that's all about it, but hopefully I don't have to answer phones.

We had our Monday morning meeting which went very well. We're behind schedule in getting our internet and server up and going but it looks like the work is getting out on time and Mr Boss seemed very pleased. He left for a meeting and so did Mrs Boss. I put away several items and the movers came to put all the boxes back on the shelves. We still need a couple bookshelves which I just happen to have in the condo for sale. Mrs. Boss already said she'd get them from us. The filing cabinets had to be switched around and there's so much more space from the old place, it's going to be great when we get it all put away. I think by Friday I can have it done. I do need to get the weeklies out, but we need the computers up first.

I got off at 1:00, picked up mom for her dental appointment, did some other little errands, came home watched a recorded TV show, got supper and the evening is finishing up the DVD's which we can do on Jim's laptop. Things are moving right along.

Days left to leave for the wedding 91


Speedy said...

Well I am back on the middle shift and everything is going well so far. I hope to jump in on chat tonight for a while...which I will be on and off as I work get the drift. It will be nice to catch up with some of you that I have not spoken to lately. Leno said she is freezing up on hers due to a bandwith problem on DSL.
OK see you later...glad to see the move is going well

Joe and Sherri

squawmama said...

Whew!!! Sounds like you were really busy today... How long before retirement???


Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...