Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Day was Spent on the Computer

(Wauchula, FL) - Hi 64 Lo 48 --  It was very cloudy and we were sure it was going to rain, but it didn't.  The winds kicked up and we felt the rocking, nothing major.  The winds are bringing in another cold front so it's supposed to get down to the mid-30's tonight.  I feel sorry for the strawberry farmers.  Apparently this has been a tough winter for them.  The citrus seem to be holding up ok.

This was a day of inside stuff.  I computer-chatted with my mom and a couple friends. I did get a Tango (video) call from our son Rick and grandson Jack.  He has grown at least an inch since we were there last summer. He's going to be tall like his dad and grandpa.  Thanks for the call Rick!

We did some research on places to visit while we're here, and I also spent a couple hours on our summer trip to Canada.  We're trying to figure out how we can make the trip to Canada and back into the U.S. without my car.  We'll be seeing such new sights that we'd both like to be together in the truck for the trip.  So we're trying to figure out the best route to cross into Canada and return at two different points, and yet leave my car somewhere on the U.S. side. We'll come up with a solution.

We watched some great TV travel shows today, and the Carolina Hurricanes hockey game tonight.  Another relaxing day in our little home on wheels.  We love it.

1 comment:

Along the Way with JnK said...

We too decided it was a total inside day due to the weather here in Clermont, Florida yesterday. But, we did manage to break away to head for the ice cream social they were having.

What a bunch of nuts and not the ones on the banana splits we had, but us for going for ice cream on such a frigid evening.

Stay warm, the cold front is suppose to pass right through!

Back to Normal - Guitar

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi  92  Lo 73) ahhhh that's better This week has been a whirlwind!  I chilled out on Monday, unpacking and catching up o...