Saturday, February 29, 2020

Paint Class - Baseball Spring Training - Space Concert

Auburndale, FL (Hi 63  Lo 47)  Chilly this week

Saturday was the LJL (Lake Juliana Landings) painting class. We have it every year, last year we painted on canvas, this year we painted two wine glasses. Thank you Cindy for setting it up. We had a great time and lots of ideas. (Click on the photos to enlarge. )
This is our whole group.

These are my glasses. The first is 50 years for our upcoming anniversary next month.

And another one with spirals.

Pictures of the group painting.

Baseball spring training has started. Jim went to see his St Louis Cardinals play the Atlanta Braves at the Braves' new stadium in North Port, a couple hours away.

Jim's a huge Cardinals fan and he tries to see them play at least once every year.

Friday night we went to The Florida Symphony for a concert called "Out of this World". The music was about space, planets, and the moon. They had an astronaut that was on the space station and shuttle. She answered questions and was very informative of what she saw and how she felt while in space.
Here's a few pictures.

Just a couple tidbits.  The first is a 1/2 gallon drinking cup. I crochet a lot and don't get up to refill my small bottle. The gals at hospice have big ones for the same reason not refilling. So I found this one. I'll fill each morning and hope it's empty by bedtime. No refills.

We now have five alligators around the canal. They're here every day laying in the sun. This one was outside our window. The others are across the canal and hard to get pictures.

My sis will be here next year so we'll have a busy week. See you next Saturday.

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