Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day Trips

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 76 Lo 59 -- On Monday we went to see Terri and Mike, who are work camping WP Franklin COE (Core of Engineer) Park in Alva, about 10 miles east of Ft. Myers. On the way to lunch at Culver's (yum!) we stopped at Manatee Park. We visited there a couple years ago but this time we saw a lot more manatees.

Terri, Jim and Mike






Mike and Terri's park is near the WP Franklin Lock and Dam.

The Caloosahatchee River runs from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf of Mexico. The Corps manages five locks along the 152 mile long Okeechobee Waterway.


There was a small boat coming thru while we were there, so we got to see the lock in operation. One lady opened the gate on one end, then ran to the other end to open the other gate.




Mike and Terri they showed us some banana trees near their RV. They were full of bananas, but they weren't rip yet.



We headed to LaBelle to join Rick and Gail for dinner at the Log Cabin Barbecue.

The food was excellent, including the free before-dinner soup and after-dinner ice cream. And it was great to see Rick and Gail again.

Terri, Gail, Rick, Dee, Jim, Mike

We didn’t get back home in time for cards so we settled in for the evening.

Today (Wednesday) we went to Bradenton for Jim's appointment at the VA Clinic, which didn't take long at all. Since we drove an hour and a half to get there we thought we'd have some seafood for lunch. Using the Yelp app on his smart phone Jim found Kevin's Crab Shack. We both tried a fish we'd never heard of before called Basa. We both loved it!

We got home in time to go to the potluck dinner at the clubhouse. It was the first one since all the snowbirds arrived so there were a lot more people.

See you in a few days.


Bill Joyce said...

A couple weeks ago there was only an occasional manatee at Manatee Park. I guess we will have to go back, since it is only a few miles from where we are camped.

Gail Houle said...

Thanks for including us! We had a great time. See you again soon!

owensontheroad said...

Glad to see you visiting with friends!

justmealmn said...

The banana tree reminds me of the ones over in Thailand.

Mike and Terri said...

Thanks for coming down for a visit, we enjoyed spending the day with you two. It was nice seeing Rick and Gail again too. We look forward to going up your way soon to check out the area.

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