Monday, January 6, 2014

Wicked Cold Weather up North - Football

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 63 Lo 32 -- The weather is the big topic of conversation.  People are arriving from up north in bigger numbers, but they had to shovel out of their northern homes first. There's very cold below-zero temperatures in the Midwest, and we're even feeling it some here. It will get down to freezing or a little lower tonight. But the nice thing about Florida is, usually the cold weather doesn't last long. It will be around 80 again by the end of this week.

We haven't been very active the last couple of days. I'm back to walking, but I'm easing into it until my feet get used to my new orthotics. I'll work up to a longer distance a little at a time. With the help of the chiropractor my neck is a lot better, and NO headaches for the past week.

These photos were taken yesterday at the pool here in our park.

It's a little different at my sister's house near St. Louis, where it's below zero with several inches of snow on the ground. Can you see the car in the background? (Click on photo to enlarge.)

I love the hole in the table.

The weekend was all about football for Jim and crocheting for me. We finished the TV series Breaking Bad. It's off the air but we heard so much about it we checked out the DVD's from the local library, one season at a time. It took us several weeks to watch the whole series. And it was VERY good!

There's more going on this week, including my first session learning to play hand bells at our church. The bell choir will be starting rehearsals tomorrow for the Easter concert, and I had my first private lesson today. I'm really excited about it, I've always wanted to play in a bell choir.

We played cards tonight, and we could feel the wind chill dropping as we walked over to the clubhouse. We'll be cold for a couple nights then back to nice balmy temperatures.


KarenInTheWoods said...

oooh a bell choir! I have always enjoyed those. Have fun!

Karen and Steve
(Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

Betty Graffis said...

I love the bell choir at the Christmas spectacular in Portland.

Bill and Nancy said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better and easing back into walking again!! Nice that you are able to learn how to play the bells:o))

Dizzy-Dick said...

The snow is beautiful but the warm feels better.

Speedy said...

Not much difference here. We have has some of the coldest temps in years but it should warm up by the end of the week...Not 80 but 60's to be exact. Sherri and I are scouting out a place to spend the summer that is not so as expensive as Creede was.

New Temperatures - Bowling Party - California Fires

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 50   Lo 37) The week started out weather wise with tornadoes, then cold and hard frost back to warm and windy now more st...