Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dinner With RV Friends From Rally

(Moncure, NC) Hi 64 Lo 57 -- Today's high of 64 degrees was at 10:00 this morning, and it dropped to 57 by noon then held steady.

We didn't do much most of the day, the usual reading blogs and watching shows on TV, plus crocheting. My eye doctor called and said my glasses were in so we went late afternoon to get them.

The RV-Dreams rally in Franklin, NC ended this morning, and our friends Ed and Lessie were returning home from the rally. They stopped in Raleigh and we met up with them for dinner. We had a great time visiting with them and hearing all about the rally. They're still doing their research on RV's and the full time lifestyle, with plans to hit the road soon.

We came home and relaxed the rest of the evening.


owensontheroad said...

We enjoyed them as well! They're great people :)

Jim and Sandie said...

Bet they had a great time at the Rally. 57 is a little cool. We were in the 90's today before the cold front goes through tomorrow and knocks us down to the 70's.

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