Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sad Goodbyes

(Edwardsville, IL) Hi 80 Lo 58 -- It was a laid back day with no rush, but we did work little by little to get the RV, truck, and car ready to move out in the morning. We're headed to Joliet, IL to visit our youngest son Rick and his family for a couple weeks.

While in bed this morning I kept hearing a banging noise from the living room and I didn't know what Jim might be doing. I wasn't totally asleep but enough to keep jumping when the banging occurred. I got up and found out it was a bird banging on the window. He'd sit on the back ladder then try to get in the window. He'd hit his wings on the window then sit back on the ladder. I looked up the kind of bird that it is online and found out it's a cowbird. He's sat on our ladder most of the day. We have no idea what he was up to.

I worked on getting the kitchen packed away and moved stuff around so it's secure. Jim did the laundry, dumped and flushed the tanks, and checked all the tires. We left for Frank and Angie's about 2:30 to spend our last evening and dinner with the kids.

Jim, Kendall, Kyle and Dee

We had a great visit and said our goodbye's till next time. We had so much fun and it was really hard to leave.

We're on the way to Chicagoland tomorrow. See you there!


Gypsy said...

Goodbyes are so sad, but the time always comes. I'm glad you have had such a great visit.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Have a safe trip:)

Keith Johnson said...

Hope you had a great trip! Did you get to catch a race at Chicagoland? I've always wanted to see it.


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