Sunday, August 26, 2012

Staying in and Watching Isaac

(Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, OK) Hi 86 Lo 69 – We had rain and storms all night, but nothing bad enough to keep us awake very long. Or I should say keep ME awake... Jim slept like a log.  It was nice and sunny when we got up.

I like a day just sitting around once in awhile, and today was one of those days. We’re watching the progress of Tropical Storm Isaac as it heads for the Gulf, and I'm reading some blogs of RV friends who are moving north away from the storm. I hope for the best and God speed for everyone in its path.

I cleaned out a couple junk drawers today, those drawers that no matter what you have in your hand that you don’t know what to do with it,  you throw it in one of those drawers. It’s been quite awhile since I checked them, so now they're all cleaned out of stuff we’ve never touched and don't need.

I also went around our park to take some more pictures.

This is the park from the road.
2012-8-24 Tinker AFB OK (4) (800x600)

Nice bathhouse and laundry.
2012-8-24 Tinker AFB OK (24) (800x599)

Just like at most of the military bases we've stayed at, there’s a paved running path that goes around the base.
2012-8-24 Tinker AFB OK (1) (800x599)

There are several different types of aircraft based here.  My favorite is the E-3 Sentry AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) planes. They're Boeing 707's with large radar domes on top. Here's 10 of them lined up on the flightline. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
2012-8-24 Tinker AFB OK (23) (800x533)

There’s also a fleet of U.S. Navy E-6B Mercury aircraft.
2012-8-24 Tinker AFB OK (6) (800x600)

The big dome on top of the E-3 Sentry is a "side looking" radar that let's commanders maintain control of large areas of enemy airspace from outside enemy territory. The E-6B Mercury is used by the U.S. President and Secretary of Defense to directly contact nuclear submarines, bombers, and missile silos if we lose ground-based communications. Pretty high tech stuff!

It’s been a great few days seeing the sights in Oklahoma City. We’re headed back to Texas tomorrow morning. If anyone is in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area please let us know. It’s fun getting together with our readers and friends when we travel.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...