Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Winding Down Our Stay

(Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada) Hi 81  Lo 61  Cloudy -- We had originally planned to go to Ottawa again today, but the weather was threatening rain, and we were just there a few days ago.  So we decided instead to just have a leisurely breakfast with Sandra and Gordon. We met at a local breakfast place called "The Roosteraunt." Inside is full of decorative roosters of every size and type (but no real ones). It was our last time to be with Sandra and Gordon, so we sat and talked for a long time, reluctant to leave. We finally had to say "farewell til next time." It's been a fabulous two weeks, and we'll have great memories of this area for the rest of our lives. Sandra and Gordon, you've been wonderful hosts. Thank you so very much for your hospitality and kindness, and for showing us so much of eastern Ontario. (And Gordon, thanks for the photo lessons and advice. I learned a lot, and it was a pleasure to watch a pro in action. -- Jim)

We went grocery shopping for the first time in a long time to get some much needed meats and supplies. Food is more expensive here than in the U.S., so I only got what we'll need for the next week or so.

Jim went for a walk today, and he tried out an app he has on his Droid. It's called "Runkeeper." It uses the phone's GPS to measure the distance you're walking, the elapsed time, the average minutes per mile, and the number of calories you're burning. He walked the same route we walked yesterday and it was 2.45 miles. It's a neat little app, and it's free in the Android Market.

I worked on a collage of some of the barn photos I've taken the past two weeks.
Jim worked on our "Future Plans" spreadsheet using Google Maps and a calendar, and figured we'd be back in the states at Sault Ste. Marie, MI on Thursday the 7th. Nothing is set in stone but that's the plan for now.

We sat outside and watched the boats go by for a while this afternoon, then called it a day. This retired life is tough! :) Tomorrow will be a "get ready" day. Then on Thursday, it's off to Mattawa, Ontario for a few days. 

We've learned one thing we like here that would be nice to have in the states. At the restaurants, they use a  hand held credit card machine that is handed to the customer and he swipes his card and puts in the tip. It's then closed out by the waitress.  What a great deal!  There's less chance of someone getting your full number and stealing it.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Thanks Dee & Jim. It was great to have you here, we enjoyed our time with you. Too bad my medical procedure is affecting our last day but we'll look forward to your return!

Mike and Terri said...

We absolutely love spending time with our RV friends, but it's always hard to say goodbye. Luckily, we always know that our goodbyes aren't forever. We know we'll see each other again somewhere down the road.

We've loved tagging along on your Canadian tour.

Leno said...

So glad you got to enjoy your time with Sandra and Gordon. I enjoyed following along with you..

Kathy said...

Love the barn collage! I have a collection of barn pics from the midwest...They have such personality.
App sounds something I can use. Thanks for sharing! K

New Windows - Cold Weather with SNOW?

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