Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One of Those Days

(Wauchula, FL)  Hi 83 Lo 61 -- It was one of those restless nights, with little or no sleep.  Jim has a cold and last night he was coughing a lot so he decided to sleep the rest of the night in his recliner. I tried to sleep but my sinuses were keeping me awake too, so neither of us slept well.  We both felt very tired and sluggish all day so we stayed in.  Jim took quick naps all day, but I just can't do that. I've never been a napper.  I either have to sleep all day or not at all.  And if I slept all day, I'd be back to staying up nights and sleeping days.

We had planned on going to a movie today, but we'll go later in the week.  I did a very short walk and noticed a lot of people out in their chairs, but I didn't even feel up to that so watched a couple TV shows, read blogs and chatted on the yahoo messenger with friends.

I did see this motorcycle in front of the office.  It's a "trike," but instead of the two wheels in back, they're in the front.  Kind of strange looking, but I'll bet it would be fun to ride in our nice weather.  We saw one last summer in another park, but they're sure not very common.  Yet, anyway.  Maybe they'll catch on.

I'll leave you today with this little poem.  I'm hoping to make an emboidery of it one of these days and hang it up in the RV.  I wish I knew who wrote it.


Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Love the poem! Hope you both are feeling tip-top soon.

We highly recommend "The King's Speech" for a movie, if you haven't already seen it.

Hope you have a better nights sleep tonight. I (Marti) can relate, all too well, on sleepless nights.

Rod Ivers said...

Your trike that you photographed, costs between 25 and 28 thousand. That sort of slows up how popular it is!

But on the other hand the HD rear trike wheel trike is over 30 K too.

Gin and Syl said...

Can I hear an Amen?...Amen!

Mike and Terri said...

Hope you guys get some sleep tonight. Feel better soon!

Ivey said...

I know how you feel. I am up all night coughing too.

I saw one of those trikes here in Pa the other day. First one I have ever seen. In fact Ira and I commented on it. Now you have a picture of one. Isn't that the way. You see something for the first time and suddenly you see it everywhere. heheh

Feel better soon.

Gail Houle said...

Sorry you guys are under the weather. Hope you're back on your feet soon. Love the poem...I'm going to have to steal that :)

Joe and Nancy Conrad said...

Love the poem, thanks for sharing. Hope you two get to feeling better real soon

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...