Friday, December 24, 2010

2010 CHRISTMAS EVE - Party in the Clubhouse

(Wauchula, FL -- Hi 74 Lo 46) - Great morning, nice warm day with not a cloud in the sky. Jim dumped and flushed our tanks and added some water to the fresh water tank, just in case the cold front coming in the next few days brings freezing weather and we have to disconnect our water hose.  I chatted online with my mom and a few RV'ing friends, then read a few blogs and played Angry Birds on my Droid.  That took up most of the morning.  We did our daily "shuffle" (three games of shuffleboard) in the afternoon, then I took a walk around the park.  More RV's are showing up every day.  Soon our park will be full.  Tonight was the Christmas party at the clubhouse, so it was festive today around the park.  At least, as festive as it can be in 70 degree weather.  :)

We walked over to the clubhouse just before 7:00 for the party.  Although this is our first year here, everyone welcomed us as if we'd been here for years.  Everybody knows everybody, but being new we're having trouble with names.  But as one guy told us, just say "HEY" and someone will answer.

I made a tray of the snack crackers we were introduced to in Goshen, IN during our RV-Dreamers happy hours. These are really good, but you'd never know it by what's on them.  Ritz cracker, peanut butter, red onion (chopped fine), and a dab of catsup. Believe it or not they're quite tasty.
The decorated fireplace and tree.

Each person brought a gift. At the end of the party everyone got to pick a gift from the "male" or "female" table.  I got a Santa Claus plate and Jim got a tin of cinnamon pecans.
The table was loaded with various heavy "finger foods."  (I can't spell hors d'ouevres).
The owners of the park came with their family, and their granddaughters sang a couple of songs. The oldest was seven. It was so cute.

We had a really good time, with songs, poems, and skits.  It was a great turnout.  And of course it ended right at "RV Midnight" (9pm).  We had a good time at our first RV park Christmas party.


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Looks like a great time. Merry Christmas.

Jeff said...

RV park gatherings are always the best. Merry Christmas to you folks. May you find future blog ideas under your tree Christmas morning.

Barb said...

RV Midnight - that's funny! I haven't heard that before. But I LIKE it! :)

Looked like a good party - Merry Christmas!

Roadrunner Chronicles said...

Looks like you all had a great time at the party. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a great 2011!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Dee and Jim. Those “Snack Crackers” sure looked good!


owensontheroad said...

That's too cool that there are get-togethers like that at RV parks. Makes it not so lonely for the holidays.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time with your RV park family!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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