Thursday, March 12, 2009

Work - Cell Phone - Massage

It's getting cooler, it went from 82 yesterday to 55 today, but it felt great. It's going to get a lot worse though before the weekend is over.

Work went really fast. I had a lot of write-ups on how to do certain things, like phone usage, reports, letters with different layouts before the meeting on Monday morning. We need to have everything looking alike and too many employees are making up their own ways of doing things. I left at 1:00, that's when the fun started.

First, I went to the Verizon store to get a new phone, mine broke. A small pieceof plastic on the fliptop broke off. I was told by the first person all I needed was a new phone and mine was out of warranty so it would be $25 to get a new phone and on my way without increasing the plan. I was sent to a second person to get the phone and she showed me an updated one that was just like mine. All was going well, she charged up the new phone, downloaded all my info and rang it up, at a cost of $155. I freaked out! I told the gal that was my grocery money and the first gal had told me it would be $25, after clicking on the computer for a bit, she says, I can do this for you, I can replace your phone for $25, well duh! So, I got my phone then went home to finally get something for lunch.

I decided to make some brownies. It's been a big thing on chat that RV-Dreamers are making brownies while at the gathering. It made me hungry for them. We'll probably have them eaten in the next couple days.

Later in the afternoon I headed to my massage. I usually have one a month but it's been two months and my back, hip, and shoulder is really tight and hurting. I went to mom's massage guy and found out why she likes him so much. He was fabulous! He uses pressure point technique and found a lot of problems. After an hour and half I hurt but it's a good hurt and I can walk without a limp and my head turns to the left.

I got home late and ate dinner then got an email that someone wants to see the condo. They're coming tomorrow at 4:00. First we'll see if they actually come, second will they like it. The excitement is growing, when will we sell. In the meantime:

Days left to leave for the wedding 74

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