Saturday, March 7, 2009

Both of Us Very Busy Today

I got up really about 7:45 which is very early, but you can only get things done if you get started early. After checking emails, facebook, and drinking a cup of coffee, then breakfast, in that order, we started on a long day getting the condo cleaned out. Jim took over the outside storage area. We both gathered stuff up that was to big for our garbage bin by the condo and took it to the city dump. We love having a truck, we don't have to borrow one from someone. I got out the paint and painted two walls. I still have touch ups on the bedroom walls, but that will have to wait. The gal at Lowe's did a great job for a match to the paint on the walls, you can't even tell it's patchwork. I took down all the pictures except the living room.

The temperature was 81 degrees and we were glad to have all the windows open because of the painting. Our neighbor already had a viewing today and we met her Realtor. She looked at our place and said we are in good shape. We found some more stuff to put on Craigslist.

Lamp, lawn chairs, and the last is a garment bag which has wheels. More Stuff to go.

I did get an interesting email about facebook being attacked by hackers and has taken passwords which has turned into a worm getting into your PC.

There's always something going on. As I've been posting this blog, we've had an email about the above items. Little by little we'll get rid of everything.

The rest of the evening I'm going to read blogs, I'm so far behind. I'll be in chat (RV-Dreams chatroom tonight too.)

Days left to leave for the wedding 79

1 comment:

Jenny Johnson said...

You might want to keep that bag to store your winter clothes in it looks like a nice one.

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