Tuesday, February 19, 2013

To Do List

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 78 Lo 48 -- We're starting our list of things to get done before we get back on the road again. Last summer we made a list of things around the rig that need attention but we didn't take time to do them while traveling. We thought we'd get them done while sitting in one place for five months over the winter. We still need to clean and wax the exterior of the RV. I need to take inventory of each cabinet and have it sent to the kids, or get it online for insurance purpose.  Jim needs to do the same with the basement compartment. We have a couple of months left so it's not like we have to do everything right away. Procrastination isn't always bad, as long as we eventually get everything done before we leave. Right?

Today it was so nice out we didn't do a lot. Instead of doing the list, I crocheted and Jim worked on some of the spreadsheets he keeps up. He has lots of spreadsheets, including 'necessary' ones like RV maintenance logs and travel plans, and 'fun' ones like racing schedules and lists of books he's read and movies we've seen. He worked with Excel in his working days, and he continues to work with it to keep his mind sharp. That's one reason he hasn't been that interested in getting a tablet computer like an iPad or a Nexus 7, there's no easy way to work with Microsoft Office programs like Word and Excel.

Our son and daughter in law, who are on a mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya, have a new post for their second working day on their trip blog. Click here to read it. They're doing very well and are really overwhelmed by what they're experiencing. We're so proud of them!


owensontheroad said...

I've been following their trip blog, they are doing some amazing things!
I'm with Jim, I love using Excel spreadsheets :)

Jim and Judy said...

The only problem with a "To Do" list is it never goes away. It just looks back at you until you do it and cross it off!

Gail Houle said...

I have lots of lists too and somethings get done, some not. Sitting in one place for the entire winter does little to motivate me :( I find I actually get less done when I have all the time in the world!

Gypsy said...

I'm constantly making lists which I then misplace. I used to do some spreadsheets too, but I grew bored with it and can do one faster by hand, at least the ones with simple math.

Jessica Riker said...

I like our current "to do" lists better than the ones we had in the house. :) Harry is better than I am at getting right to things - I am more the procrastinator.

Hard to believe that you only have two months left! Are you already planning your summer travels? ;)

Speedy said...

I would be so worried about my kids going anywhere but the good ol USA. I hope they stay safe...will they have pictures of this adventure?

Bill Joyce said...

It sounds like Jim is a candidate for the Surface tablets from Microsoft since they run Office. Probably worth a look at Best Buy or Staples, both of which have them. I do love my 7" Samsung tablet but I still use my laptop every day,

Bob and Jo said...

Documents2Go or QuickOffice are spreadsheet tablet apps that are Excel compatible and pretty good.

Easy Going Week - Birthday Party - Tornado Outbreak

 Sharlimar, FL   (Hi 78 Lo 66) It was a normal quieter week than last week. The normal schedule was Wii bowling Monday and Wednesday morning...