Thursday, May 19, 2011

Plans Made and Visiting RV’ers

(Richmond, VA) Hi 75 Lo 56  –  We had a very busy day.  Jim got on the phone this morning and made some reservations for the next few weeks. We like to stay at military campgrounds when we can, but they usually require reservations because they're very popular and usually full. So although we're trying to get away from the habit of always making reservations, sometimes we have to. We have reservations for Ft. Meade, MD and Ft. Drum, NY, two stops on our way to Canada. To make sure we have somewhere to stay for the Memorial Day holiday next weekend we extended our stay here for another week. We also made a reservation for the park we'll be staying at in Smiths Falls, Ontario, because we've been told it fills up during the summer.

Around 11:30 Mike and Terri picked us up and we headed to Gordonsville, VA to see John and Bridget. We met John and Bridget at the 2008 RV-Dreams Rally, and saw them again in NC a couple years ago. It was so great seeing them again. Mike and Terri met them for the first time, so our RV family grew a little more!

John and Bridget’s truck and Fifth wheel.

Bridget and John

They took us to a great local BBQ Restaurant.

Jim, Bridget, John, Terri, and Mike

One of the items on the menu is pork belly. Jim had it, and he said it's very good.

We stayed at the restaurant and talked for quite a while, and then we had to say goodbye to John and Bridget and leave to return to Ashland.  After a quick stop home so Mike and Terri could walk their dog we headed over to  Jim and Linda’s at Kosmo Village, which is not far from our park.

Linda and Jim and their 1992 Beaver motorhome.

You'd never know their rig is 19 years old. It's immaculate! It was great to visit with them and catch up on things. That’s the great thing about making friends on the road, you see them again somewhere down the road.
Thanks John, Bridget, Jim and Linda for a great day of fellowship and friendship. And to Mike and Terri for continuing to make our stay so enjoyable!


Molly and Bob said...

You're near our neck of the woods now!! Enjoy your travels!! Miss you both! Hugs to all of you!

Myrddin said...

It sure was good to see you again. Hope you guys have a great summer.

Safe Travels,

Jim and Linda

Gail Houle said...

We have found that the Northeast is NOT the place to 'not make reservations' :) We got used to just showing up if it was a Tuesday or Wednesday. Not so in the NE. They will, more than likely, be full! We got warned early on and it's proven to be true :) It's hard to be spontaneous that way though!

Safe 'planned' travels guys :)

Gin and Syl said...

Sounds like a mini RV-Dreams Rally! I know that makes for some good folks and a good time. Safe Travels.

squawmama said...

Glad your having so much fun and how nice to get to meet up with fellow RVers/Bloggers!!!!
Have fun & Travel Safe

Mike and Terri said...

We're having a blast with you guys and are looking forward to more good times!

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