Monday, October 3, 2011

Doing the Search

(NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh, NC) Hi 69 Lo 45 -- We got up earlier to get to the hospital to meet with the Social Worker. We stopped at mom's room first and she was sitting in a chair. She's doing better and as soon as they can make arrangements she'll be going to the rehab center for a few days. We learned that rehab is not exercises, it's making sure she can move and regain the strength to do normal living activities. We also learned she has Sundowners Syndrome.  It's quite interesting.

We made an appointment to visit an assisted care facility in Fuquay-Varina, a town southeast of Raleigh. It's a great place and the care and amenities are exactly what mom needs and would like. We still have a few other places to check out, but this one is high on our list.

Here are some photos we took during our tour:

One of several screened porches.

Shared room for two.

We went back home to do more research and arrange for visits to more facilities. Tomorrow we'll see if mom gets moved to rehab. The journey continues...


Diane and Rich said...

We went thru the process of getting a loved one placed in an assisted living home several years ago. We were advised to seek counsel with an Elder Care Attorney which we did. On top of a power of attorney it was suggested to also get a medical power of attorney. Just thought I'd mention that. I hope all works out for your mom. Sounds like she is getting the care she needs.

Jim and Sandie said...

Sundowners Syndrome sounds exactly what my Mom had. She would always get really violent later in the day. But once the Alzheimers took over, she was much easier to deal with. Looks like a really nice place. I think she'll be really happy there.

Gail Houle said...

Very interesting info on Sundowners. As we both have elderly parents, it's very nice having this information for reference. Thanks and hope your mom is doing better.

Nancy and Bill said...

We know this is a difficult process for you and your mom. This is a major change for both of you. As we know, the older you get the more difficult change can be. Just be patient and be sure to take care of yourself. Mom will get the care she needs from you and others, but sometimes the caregiving gets forgotten. Our best to all of you!

Nice Warmup - Volunteering - Acupunture

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 75  Lo  48) The weather has warmed up, in fact today (Friday) we had thunderstorms. The snow was finally gone after 4 da...