I got off at 1:00 and went straight to Lowe's to get the paint for the hallway. I had to do it in two trips but that's done. I'll paint it when Jim is home on the weekend. I called the Realtor and she's coming the week of March 16, she's taking vacation the third week. I'll have most everything done before she gets here and finish it up before April. It's so exciting.
I got one room done. The back bathroom. I caulked the tub and took about everything from under the sink storage area. The rest we use almost on a daily basis. It's so clean looking. The more I get rid of the freer I feel. It's neat to be able to walk around and not GO around something. I won't have any free time till next Thursday, but will do little things on the weekends.
Days left to leave for the wedding 88
I remember the feeling of getting cabinets emptied and having open space. You're on your way - good luck.
Let me see in 88 days I will have 5 days left here!!! WOOOO You will be on the way to a wedding and I will be in the last week here at work....
Joe and Sherri
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