Friday, March 21, 2025

Walk in the Woods - St. Patrick's Party - Council - Sip and Paint

 Shalimar, Fl   (Hi 71  Lo 51)

Jim Morris, a resident here, sent me these pictures this morning!  I love them. (Click on the photos to enlarge).

Saturday we had a group of us go thru the path in the woods. The Red Horse group was working on cleaning it up and it's coming together. There's three main paths and quiet, good for meditation and relaxation. Thank you activities for the idea. There's so many people that haven't been in the woods.

The downside, I had three tiny ticks on me when I got out. I'll spray myself next time. 

The rest of the week was normal with a few things thrown in. Recap for a normal week. 
Monday and Wednesday is WII bowling, (staying even most of the time with low 175 score averages. 
Tuesday Diamond art in the morning and meditation in afternoon. 
Wednesday afternoons is three hours of Hand and Foot card game. 
Thursday afternoons I go to the crochet group, we learn, laugh and crochet or knit. 
Friday is catch up day, house work, groceries etc.  At 4:00 on Friday and Sunday is the Ukulele lessons. It's fun to learn and play with several others.   The weekly zoom with friends in the Carolina's is in the evening every Friday. Every night except Saturday (social hour), I play card game called 31. 

This week on Monday, it was St. Patrick's day party in the evening. We had great snacks and several of us got together from our village. 

I was on  a few zoom meetings all thru the week. Nothing is set in stone, just being flexible. I also help people with their phones and PC's especially on the scams. There's always questions. 

Wednesday was resident council meeting. The managers talk about what's going on in the community and update us on what is in the future. There's been new people hired lately and some have moved on. It's always informative and it's every other month.  

Thursday after a couple hours at crochet group I had my monthly massage and chiropractor appointment. I have arthritis in the neck so I keep it moving by having monthly appointments.
Friday afternoon I went to sip and paint. It's a craft of the month. I don't care for tole painting which is another class I could go to. This is my picture. 
                                            The class hard at work 
                                            Mary Ann is the teacher, this is hers that we followed.
I'm on a zoom chat every night, but when I'm sitting and doing nothing, I crochet. This week I did two crabs, now I'll be making a few of them for the craft fair in August. 

I still have 13 more orders to make, so I'll be busy in my down time. 

Friday morning a few of the air force military came to clean my gutters. We put in requests and once a month a bunch of the military come over and get everything we need done. What a deal!
The activities team is getting ready for April, and this is the craft we'll be doing. I love it. It would be a great center piece to put in chips, crackers, cookies etc and sauces in the center. It's big but for big parties it would be great. Oh, and wall hangings.
I want to leave you with something special. My sister took a picture of this red tailed hawk that came to her patio and looked like he was sending a message. He's beautiful!
My son sent this picture after the tornados and storms in northern Illinois. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63)

Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't use a clock to get up for early morning meetings, or activities. I was late twice.  The meals can still be on the old time, but then I'm starving at bed time. I wish they'd leave the time one way or other. Guess we'll never get it changed. I should move to northern Indiana or Arizona. 

I had a very slow start for the week. I stayed in bed most of the time. I got a head cold, which wasn't fun. It's the first time I was sick without Jim. I needed some hugs, but sure wasn't going to give a cold to any of the gals. I didn't have a fever on Monday morning so I went to WII bowling. When it came to later in the day the fever was back again and I was thinking I'd be going into pneumonia, but luckily it didn't. I downed a bunch of meds and by Wednesday morning I was better. 

Wednesday I was doing really well and it was a good thing. My grandson, Jack, is on spring break in Panama City, Fl and came over to see me. He wanted to go to Navarre to a Shushi restaurant. There's only two in the country, one in Pennsylvania and one here. It gave us time to talk along the way and it was a great trip. He's a great travel partner and I learned all about his time in collage and what he hopes to do in the future. (Click on the photos to enlarge).

View from our table
                                                Jack's lunch
It was the best. It's my second time eating Shushi and I loved it. Jack left about 5:30. What a great time we had, mainly just getting to know each other. That was the first time we've been together alone.  He goes to Alabama University. I'll see him again in May for grandson  Kendall's college graduation. 

Thursday was March craft was St. Patrick's gnome pin. 
Our group

Now I'm watching for storms. There's no trust of the weather reports but they're saying it's going to get really bad. I don't think anyone believes them anymore. We'll have to see what happens. 

Friday was cleaning and taking everything I'm not using out of the bedroom. I have so much more room now and it looks a lot better. It's spring cleaning. I think I'm all caught up in taking out stuff. Nice load to the thrift store. I had ukulele class then a couple zooms. We'll see how the next few days will pan out from storms. Prediction real? or overkill?

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night

My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Village. I haven't moved much if at all everything the boys put in place for me. We were totally unloaded in just a few hours. I'm so glad it went so smooth. I'm now looking at things I haven't touched in two years and getting rid of it. They say wait at least two seasons before throwing things out. I have added a few items to make life more simpler, but not a whole lot. I have no regrets and very thankful I'm here. I've met a lot of people and most of the time I remember their names. 

The week was ho-hum, the same thing with added little zooms from time to time. I noticed the readers of the blogs have dropped, but hopefully that will increase when I start traveling. There's three trips to follow this summer.

I still had to beat the clock getting to the events I had this week. Two days I had to make a choice on what to do because I had three events the same day and hour. I'm learning tarot cards for fun so chose that one on Thursday. That was the best day. I had activities meeting in the morning, ran home to do the zoom on cards, barely had time to get out the door to crochet group, forgot I had oreo cookie day in an hour so couldn't stay. I made it for the tasting of cookies and meet up with some friends. Another gal and I decided to go to the lounge to finish the puzzle, then it was card time.  This puzzle was "mystery puzzle". Nothing showed on the box what it would be just the outside edges. It turned out really neat. It's called snacks. One piece missing and it was a brand new puzzle we got from Christmas gift. (Click on the photos to enlarge)

I wanted chicken wings, and I hadn't been to the Moose in quite awhile. I grabbed Rosie and went for wings on Wednesday and had a good time with members of the club. One couple was there on visit from Illinois close to where our son lives so we talked about the area. They were on the way home after spending time in South Florida. It was an enjoyable evening. I was the driver, so only one drink with meal. 
The rest of the week was normal. Ukulele class/fun group was Friday and Sunday evening. Several zoom classes and get togethers.  

I had my car washed last Saturday and the pollen is so bad it looks like it did before. Half of us are sneezing and coughing and some are wearing masks when they go out the door. I may be one of them. I cleaned the chairs outside since it's so nice to sit out there, but then started sneezing and eyes are watery, so enough of that for awhile. 

I finally broke down and got the taxes paid. Another worry about how much to pay, but it was almost as much as last year so it's good. I even got an email saying it was accepted by the IRS. Whew, I'm good till next year. 

I was supposed to go to Pensacola today (saturday) for craft show, but all night I was up with a cold that kept getting worse. I had a fever and it broke about 3:00am. I texted one of the gals to tell the bus driver I was sick and take me off the list. It's the first time in three years I've got a cold or being sick. I guess I'm run down, but who knows, it's my turn. The weather is up and down, so that might be part of it.  I just hope it doesn't go into pneumonia like I normally do with colds. 

Update, the longer the day got, the more I felt rotton. This is first time I've been sick since Jim died. I have a fever of 99.6 so it's a cold. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.

 This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is tomorrow.  I feel like I've been here for years, but it's only two. It's been a learning curve, fun, exciting at times and even frustrating. The biggest thing is learning patience (kinda still bad at that). I've learned to put up boundaries and saying no when I feel I should. I know I'll be here for many years more so it's a good thing to be flexible. 

 More zooms this week then anything else, but it's always really busy at the end of the month. I have several different type of zooms and it's been fun this week. I'm also a moderator with tiktok and loving it. People can be rude and some very funny. I also have many zooms with friends I've made since Jim's death with widows. We are a group that help each other. 

The week of activities were quite a bit this week. I actually got a haircut this week here on campus. I tried calling the one downtown but she didn't answer and never called back. So that person is out and gone from my calling list. The lady here did a good job, I guess I'll just stick with her. 

I went with one of the activities gals on the walk thru the woods and trying to come up with a plan to clean up the paths a bit. It looked like someone was trying to make a smoother path, it wasn't nearly as bad as last time I went thru it. (Click on photos to enlarge)

                                                    Turtle on the path. I almost stepped on him. 
                          A lot of the trees have died, trying to see if an university or school would like to take on the project of helping out to see what can be done to help the woods. This one has a woodpecker on it. 
Thursday  I had crochet at 12 then to massage/chiropractor by 3 and a zoom class at 5:30. I actually got dinner at 4:30 so that was good. 

I watch a youtube 24/7 critter cam. This couple moved to a big property near woods so they could feed all animals for 24 hrs and rigged a cam to watch it all. I'm amazed how many animals eat together.  Here's the link. 
                                                    This looks like peanut butter. It's really gooey. 
                                                        A fox joined the group 
There's usually 5 raccoons and mice and some other creature I have no idea show up sometimes. Check the baby in the tree in the middle.
Another link is the california eagles. This is the third time I've watched these two raising their  babies, this time there's 3 eggs. They should be hatching by the middle or late March, (I think). Here's the link. 
 These eagles sit on the nest with tons of snow on them. Amazing to watch when the weather is bad. 

Besides those two cams. I watch earthquakes around the world. That's another love of mine. I've followed quakes for many years, they're getting more frequent and more powerful. It's all linked together,

I have 2 more football gnomes to make. This is the Miami Dolphins. I even have a dolphin on the side.
I spent almost the entire day on summer plans on Friday. I have the flights to Illinois, in May and the rental car with help of grandson. The cruise and everything lined up for getting there (by car) for April. I've got the boots and getting some other little things to stay warm for Alaska in September. It's going to be a busy summer. At least the planning has all started. 

Saturday morning, up and ready at 7:00am. Whew, that's early, but I wanted to be first in line to get my car washed by the Eglin AFB guys and gals. We have pollen on the cars and it's making my car look yellow/green. It's a way for them to make money and it's a help for our community with part of the money the collect. They do a really good job. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)  

I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for another blog. 

Sunday started fun. I watched the Nascar race, well part of it. It was a long rain delay, nothing unusual. I remember many times we went to the race and had rain getting us home really late at night. It's the chance you take. I have to get the names of the drivers memorized again and a lot of the children or grandchildren of the big time racers I've followed for years. 

Monday was President's day. The only thing that was different was no mail. I had WII bowling and crocheted all afternoon finishing up the football gnomes for an order, six Dallas cowboys. (Click on photo to enlarge). 

While I'm on Monday, I took a picture of the Crape Myrtle tree outside the door. It went below freezing a couple nights, so I'm watching to be sure the trees don't die. I love them, it's so pretty. 
The GBM zoom was Monday night. We have such a great group of gals who lost our husbands with Glioblastoma. There's still more dying with it. Maybe someday they'll figure out it's not a death sentence. 

Tuesday was beat the clock for deadline times. First was diamond art normal time 10:00 but I had a tiktok at noon. That was ok, but then meditation is at 1:00 so I had to run from one to the other building  leaving the zoom three minutes early. I was on time by 45 seconds. I got a few things lined up for the rest of the week and home for a bit of ukulele practice and guitar before going to cards. I've learned if you put a capo on fret 5 on the guitar it's the same as the ukulele. I'm trying hard to learn a couple songs for my visit with my son when I get there in May. 

Wednesday was WII bowling again,  I did a score of  202 this time as the high game. I had to hurry home for another zoom learning tarot cards. I've been doing this class awhile and so far so good. I'm picking up the meanings of them enough to do good readings. It's so fun! It keeps the mind working and alert.  Now this is the best! At 3:00 in the cold wind the Lobster truck came again. 

I got 2 cups of lobster bisque, 2 cups of England chowder, 2 quesillia's, 2 taco's and 2 lobster rolls. I'm set for 3 days of food (lunches and dinners).  I love when they come.  I was late for the next tiktok then rolled right into youtube zooms. Dinner and crocheting, it was a long day and I didn't feel like playing cards. 

Thursday was another day of beating the clock. I had lunch with crochet gals at 11:00 they came to our commons instead of having the meeting at  building 6. I stayed an hour and went home for zoom for the Death Cafe.  At 3:30 I had my own meeting for a workshop on what paperwork you need after you pass. There were 20 people and I had handouts for them to follow. It turned out really well and it seems everyone was pleased on what they need to do and who to contact. All I want to do is get the ball rolling for everyone here thinking on who and what needs done for their estate. I finished up in time to catch the bus to Niceville for a great Chinese dinner at 1st Choice. There were 20 of us and they had room for us for a great buffet. I'd like to go back at some point. It was a cold night but it was worth it. 

Friday was quieter. I had all morning to get some much needed shopping done. I only go every two months. I get meals delivered (Hellofresh) every other week and make my own meals or have leftovers the second week.  I had ukulele lesson at 4:00 then NC zoom at 6:00 but made both times.

Saturday is meeting up with a couple people to watch a video called SOUL. I have another Death Cafe zoom at 6:00 but crocheting in the afternoon.  I'm getting a list made up for the craft fair and still have several manger sets to make. I'm not bored and I'm loving the weeks going by quicker. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Schedule Changes - Super Bowl - Learning - More Crocheting

 Shalimar, Fl  (Hi 73  Lo 63)  Bouncing weather from high 70's to mid 40's

A few things changing with schedules. I want to keep some of it, but I'm wanting to add Chair Yoga and more movement and weights, so I did most of it at home, but the weights will be a the gym. I have quite a bit of time during the weeks coming up so I'll get "moving".   There's several Chair Yoga vidoes on youtube to do for seniors. My knee is so much better but now need to do some weights with it for strength. 

Sunday was super bowl. I didn't watch any of it, but we had some mighty great food. Chili, sandwich wraps, wings, deviled eggs, lots of good stuff. I went home after first quarter. 

I  had the same schedule for the week, bowling Monday and Wednesday. Diamond art, meditation, cards, crochet group and Ukulele twice.  Four zooms and watching the storms chasers on Wednesday for the tornadoes in the midwest along with snow further north. 

I'm learning AI, or Chatgpt which is quite interesting. Also Canva for making flyers. Keeps the brain active. Along with that I've worked on Ipad, Iphone, and a couple PC's with people with problems.  I actually did a factory reset on an Ipad.

I'm also working on getting pictures of everyone in our village and doing a nice collage for our lounge wall. That's going to be done on canva.

I spent a lot of time crocheting. I'm still working on six football cowboy gnomes and two dolphin gnomes. I should have pictures of them next week.  This week I got the Day of the Dead doll done.  I'll stick to the four inch animals and gnomes.

I have a date for the craft fair this year. August 5. That means I need to do a lot of crocheting for that too.  It's a quiet week but still staying busy. 

Friday finishing up the week was working with a computer and putting on ad blocker. I tried to connect the printer, but I've never been good with that, so she'll get someone else to do it. There was a Valentine's party in the lounge, but I went to Ukulele lesson and then had NC zoom so didn't go.  I'll have social tomorrow night and see everyone. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Updates - Activities - Party

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo  64)  Perfect Weather all week

I've been getting questions on things I've been doing and how it's coming along. I thought I'd start out by giving updates.

Several have asked how I can do so much:  A good calendar on the phone. I check the night before to be sure I have everything in line for the next day. I stay "organized" with when I can have meals, it's mostly 10 minutes between activities, sometimes it's just a breakfast bar, but I try to eat well. That's the biggest hangup with time I have, eating. 

The next question how are you doing on the ukulele and guitar. I am in two classes a week with the ukulele, just for fun but very informative. I can work with the ukulele on the couch and have more room then with the guitar. I have to be in a bigger chair for the guitar. I learned real quickly I can't do both, the notes and strings are so different but it gives me something to work on. Brain learning is good "they say". 

Another update, the acupuncture on the knee has been a success. I can walk a lot better, no stabbing pain which allows me to walk straighter and faster which has helped the hip. Now I do more walking and not limping I can even get up off a chair without pain. Amazing, I hope it lasts. I recommend it highly for all kinds of physical ailments. 

On with the week:

Sunday's are ukulele class about 4pm, then cards right after it. This means grab something fast to eat. 

Monday is bowling and I had a few hours in the afternoon that were free. Ok, now what, do I play ukulele, crochet, clean house, play games? I did all of it, a few minutes of each, that took me to card playing then the nightly chat on zoom. 

Tuesday I went to diamond art early I got a lot done. Yes, I'll show you when I'm done with it. I stayed in the same room for meditation. We're working on how the science has proved meditation can change your overall way of life. Very interesting and informative. The afternoon was free, so I helped a couple people with their phones/computers and crocheted the rest of the afternoon til card time. 

Wednesday started out with bowling, bad day, high score was 174. I can't get it consistent. I had a zoom meeting then went to Madi Gras craft class. It hangs on the door or wall.  (Click on the photo to enlarge). 

Thursday was the activities meeting. There's 31 activities this month. The problem is what to do when there's three things I want to do on the same day and same hour. I had to give up hand and foot cards on Wednesday and crochet on Thursday for other things I really wanted to do. The cards and crochet is every week, the other things is once. In the late afternoon I had a zoom with death cafe. It's fascinating. It's a zoom that people talk about death and no agenda, no judging. A question will come up and everyone gives how they feel. There were two death doula's so it's good info. If it doesn't resonate with you, ignore it. I've been going to several of these the past few months and it's great info. You learn from each person and you relax about living the "here and now" better.  At cards we had a couple birthdays to celebrate, Ellen and Patsy. We got an ice cream cake which was excellent. 

It's always a fun time around here with birthdays. 

Friday started with helping a resident with the computer. It's always fun teaching, I  learn something too. I tried setting up a printer but wasn't successful. Printers I have a big problem with even my own. I hate not being successful with problems people have, but I'll learn it.  I also did taxes online for one of our gals this week. I got my  blood pressure checked. They do that every other Friday here which is another plus. I try to remember to go every other month. I crocheted the rest of the day and on the North Carolina zoom in the evening. 

 What extra things do I do?  Puzzles, Legos, reading (a little at a time), games on computer, media check, tiktok moderator, 4 zooms every week, crocheting (a lot), guitar, ukulele, helping with phones/computers (at least 4 a week), cards, happy hour, I sit outside some now that it's nice weather. I do not like being bored, and living here that's not even possible. Thank you to everyone that reads the blog. I so appreciate you. 

Walk in the Woods - St. Patrick's Party - Council - Sip and Paint

 Shalimar, Fl   (Hi 71  Lo 51) Jim Morris, a resident here, sent me these pictures this morning!  I love them. (Click on the photos to enlar...